Pulkovo Obervatory. Source [Wiki]
Check this out, cryonics fans...
Three independent U.S. studies of solar activity, arrive at the same conclusions put forth earlier by the Pulkovo Observatory in St. Petersburg:
solar activity is declining;
the current solar cycle 24, which began in December 2008 is likely to be a weak one; and
the following cycle, expected to begin around 2018 to 2022, may be so weak as to bring on a new Little Ice Age.
source [LarouchePac]
My comment-- Cryonics is not likely going to develop reanimation by the time the mass starvation occurs as a result of the little ice age, a precursor to the major ice age we're descending into. The only explanation I have for cryonics people not being interested in this is because those who understand the implications think they alone can survive depopulation and mass starvation.
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